In late November 2017, Babies Need Bottoms formed to improve the health of babies in Western North Carolina and help fill a gap in the social safety net that leaves families vulnerable. Since then, we have distributed over 2 million diapers through over 75 community partners to serve thousands of families across the region.


We founded Babies Need Bottoms because of the diaper need in the Western North Carolina community. With two toddlers in diapers, we understand the high cost of diapers and wipes and how many diapers a baby can go through in a day. Many factors affect diaper need in Asheville including high cost of living, limited employment opportunities, expensive retail cost of diapers, and significant poverty. If parents don’t have access to clean diapers, there are no options – no government funding, no where to turn. Lack of clean diapers affects more than a child’s health; it affects parental stress and the ability to attend daycare.

It is time to support each other – parents helping parents- to bring clean diapers to families struggling with diaper need. All babies deserve clean bottoms. All parents need support to make that happen. Together we can eliminate diaper need in the WNC area.