First Long-term Diaper Supply Collection Site


We are excited to announce our first long-term diaper supply collection location. Since we opened a few months ago, we’ve been busy with diaper drives, diaper-wrapping and diaper deliveries. We have also been developing great relationships with local business and organizations that really care about local families struggling to afford diapers. Unfortunately, we are not yet in a position to have our own office, so we rely on businesses in our community to host our collection boxes.

Lollipops, a children’s consignment shop in South Asheville, offered to host a long-term collection box for diapers and diaper supplies. If you have spare diaper packages, unopened wipes or clean cloth diapers, bring them to Lollipops and leave them in the box. If you need a receipt, or a thank you note from us, please attach a note with your name and e-mail address (or mailing address).

Lollipops Ltd Diaper Collection Site

If you have a local business and are interested in donating a 2′ x 2′ space in an area with foot traffic, please let us know. We appreciate your generosity!